Once You’re “Being Present,” Then What?

In Monday’s blog post,  we explored how intentionally attending to breath enables you to become more present.   The big question for many is, “Once I have calmed my mind and cleared extraneous thoughts through paying attention to my breathing, then what? What is next?...

Figuring Out The Why

We’ve been talking about taming our brain through mindfulness practices…specifically the attending to breath as a meditative practice. This practice can enable us to interrupt the endless automatic flow of non-intentional thought and hone our inner observer to notice...

Interrupting Perpetual Motion

Silence and solitude were two ancient spiritual disciplines that were practiced in almost every major world religion. Yet, through the centuries, as modernity took hold, they fell out of favor and practice with the vast majority of people. Today, they are making a bit...

An Amazingly Effective New Practice

The number of practices you can engage in taming your brain are almost endless. Today, consider an amazing game changing practice you can add to your taming the brain disciplines.   First, why do we need to tame the brain? Because it is a survival machine and is...